(AAA: +*20756255)
$30.00 per unit
$30.00 per cert
Introducing the aptly-named “Koupals B&B Diverse 3181” – an exciting, unique-pedigreed calving-ease bull from the Koupal B&B Angus herd. ‘Diverse’ is one of the boldest breeding pieces to be released this Spring. He was a top heifer bull seller at $35,000.00 in the Koupal Angus Production Sale. He offers stay-able genetics, an exceptional pedigree and excellent feet! He is the calving-ease bull the commercial industry has been craving and a refreshing option for the purebred breeders. He is backed by a top-performing dam ‘B&B Blkbd Progress 3015’ – elite in feet, breed character and utter quality. Diverse offers added performance, ribeye, and maternal value in a deep-bodied, wide-based, balanced and attractive phenotypic package. Add Diverse to your breeding needs today!
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